The Unsung Hero: Using Wax With Braces

Braces are a common orthodontic treatment that help align and straighten teeth for a more confident smile. However, wearing braces can cause some discomfort and a few unwelcome surprises, especially during the adjustment period. One of these surprises is the need for wax with braces. Wax may not sound like a superhero, but it can provide substantial relief and make the orthodontic journey much smoother. In this article, we will delve into why wax is essential for braces wearers and how to properly use it to alleviate discomfort.

So, why exactly would someone need wax with braces? Well, the answer lies in the wires or brackets used in orthodontic treatment. These appliances can sometimes rub against the soft tissues of the mouth, such as the cheeks and inner lips, causing irritation, soreness, and even small cuts. This discomfort can make eating, speaking, and overall orthodontic maintenance quite challenging.

This is where wax steps in as the unsung hero. Wax is a soft and pliable material that can be molded and applied to the brackets and wires of braces. Its main purpose is to create a protective barrier between the braces and the sensitive oral tissues, preventing friction and reducing discomfort. Wax acts as a cushion, preventing painful abrasions and allowing the mouth to heal while wearing braces.

Using wax with braces is relatively simple, but it requires proper application for maximum benefit. Before applying, it is crucial to ensure that the mouth and the brackets are clean and dry. Excessive moisture or food debris trapped beneath the wax can lead to dental issues such as decay or gum inflammation. So, maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing is essential.

To use the wax, start by tearing off a small piece, approximately the size of a pea. Soften the wax between your fingers to make it easier to mold. Next, gently pat the brackets and wires around the area causing discomfort to ensure proper adhesion. Press the wax firmly against the braces until it stays in place, covering any sharp edges or irritating areas. If the discomfort persists, consider repeating the process or consulting your orthodontist for further guidance.

While wax is effective in providing temporary relief, it is crucial to address the underlying cause of the discomfort. If a bracket or wire continues to irritate the inside of your mouth, it is recommended to contact your orthodontist. They can adjust or repair the braces properly, ensuring a more comfortable experience throughout your treatment journey.

Apart from managing discomfort, wax also plays a significant role in preventing orthodontic emergencies. The wires and brackets of braces can sometimes become dislodged or damaged, posing a risk of injury to the mouth. In such cases, wax can be used as a temporary solution until professional help is sought. By covering the broken or exposed components, it minimizes the risk of further injury and ensures a smooth continuation of your treatment until seeing your orthodontist.

It is worth noting that not all types of wax are suitable for braces. Orthodontic wax is specifically designed to be safe and effective for braces wearers. It is readily available at most pharmacies, dental offices, and even online. It is advisable to consult with your orthodontist regarding the best type and brand of wax to use. They can guide you on its proper usage and recommend reputable sources to obtain it from.

In conclusion, wax may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of orthodontic treatment, but it is a significant addition to the braces wearer’s toolkit. By providing relief from discomfort, preventing injuries, and promoting healing, wax acts as the unsung hero of the orthodontic journey. So, if you are wearing braces and experiencing discomfort, do not underestimate the power of wax. With the right knowledge and application techniques, you can make your orthodontic experience much more comfortable and manageable.